
Welcome to Quin, a place about art and creators. Pure and Simple. Here you will find conversations with different creatives working in various mediums all around the world.

12- Kimchi and Coconut

12- Kimchi and Coconut

This past year, I have really been learning a lot about the power of play. So often as adults, we forget that life is supposed to be fun- or at least I feel like it should be fun. Sometimes, it can be hard to remember this- specially living in 2020. It can definitely be a hard choice- to choose to be playful when there are so many areas of your life that feel far from playful. Taking back those areas can be a hard task but one that is worth it for the betterment of your life and the life of those around you. One of the reasons Julia Cameron’s book ‘The Artist’s Way’ is so impactful is because it pushes you to reconnect with your inner child. As we grow, we tend to get the creativity beaten out of us through institutions and societal ‘norms’- or just everyday life. I have really challenged myself to invite a playful mentality to my day- whether that be through dance, sex, or art. Ways that I do this are finding things to be grateful for- no matter how little. Cultivating an attitude of gratefulness can help open the door to a more playful attitude.

When looking at Kimchi and Coconut’s work- it is a reminder to me to be creatively free. Playful, fun, and colorful are just a few words I would use to describe the wearable art from Jess, AKA Kimchi and Coconut. Her work explores various themes, including food and ocean life–two of my favorite things! These pieces are one-of-a-kind, playing with not just different shapes and designs but also how those shapes are worn as jewelry. I don’t know much about jewelry-making, but I love Jess’s ability to enhance art through the design and functionality of how the piece is worn. One piece that quite literally sticks out to me is the crabby necklace. The crab’s claws reach up in juxtaposition to the large crab body sitting below, creating interesting gesture within the necklace. Kimchi and Coconut’s beautiful pieces utilize color, design, and movement to create striking and unique jewelry pieces. Jess has been making jewelry for over 3 years after studying at a world-famous school in Birmingham. I am excited to share her work and show you all the fun and creative jewelry from the world of Kimchi and Coconut.


 When did you first become interested in jewelry making?

I first started making jewelry as a hobby when I was around 15. After that I worked towards studying at Birmingham’s school of jewelry when I left school. 

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What has your journey been like becoming a freelance artist?

It’s been a bit of everything really, but mostly exciting and a little bit exhausting at times.


What materials do you use when making your jewelry?

I generally stick to laser cut acrylic for my main range, but I have started to experiment with things like mother of pearl, glass, and clay. 

Is there anything in particular that you feel drawn to create? Why?  

I’m always drawn to sea creatures and coastal things. I love the ocean and I’ve always been fascinated by the animals and plants that live there.

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All of your work is so colorful and fun! Has there been a piece (or pieces) that you have really loved making more than the others? 

I really love to make my wave pieces and the tomato necklace at the moment. To be honest, though, I really love making new pieces. It’s always exciting to work on something new.

How do you find inspiration?

It comes from all over, really. Usually I’m researching something, and it leads me down a bit of a rabbit hole where ideas for collections form.

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What has been your biggest struggle as an artist? How did you overcome it?

When I first started out, I struggled with how to make my business sustainable, being so eco conscious I have found working in plastic quite hard at times, but over the years I have developed relationships with smaller acrylic manufacturers to create smaller collection runs. I’ve also had to learn to manage my waste and now I use almost all of my acrylic up and the parts that are waste go to a specialist recycling facility to be made back into new sheets.

Do you have any art rituals?

When I am designing, I like to put on my favorite music and have a large mug of black tea nearby. 


What advice would you give to other artists?

To not be scared. I’ve often been really worried that people won’t like a new piece or when I try a new medium that it will just go up in flames, but every time my fears have been completely unnecessary. It’s better to be true to who you are than to worry about if a piece will sell. 

As an artist, do you feel you have a role to play in society? 

Or course! Society would be pretty dull without artists.


What has your process been like sharing your work and growing your fan base? 

It seems like it all happened at once. At the start when I was running my first company, [posting on] Instagram did just feel like I was shouting into the void of the internet, but soon after I started doing comic conventions and my confidence got better, and I started to find it easier to build relationships with people both on and offline.

What is something that has really pushed you as an artist? 

For a while I rented out an industrial unit and I found that really pushed me to the edge artistically. I felt more like a big business constantly creating and making to put out something fresh. By the end of it I was quite creatively exhausted, I’m looking forward to having less pressure and more time to really create again.


What are you currently working on? 

I am currently working on a small spooky collection for Halloween, and something mythical for Christmas. 

Do you have any resources to share? 

I love the biodiversity heritage library site, it’s great for research!

 You can find out more about Kimchi and Coconut at www.kimchiandcoconut.com

 Instagram: @kimchiandcoconut

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13- Abby Wolfzorn Ruby

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